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Our Chilaxe Retreats offer wellness *amenities with trained professionals, i.e., chefs, massages, saunas, hot tubs, soaks, life coaching, meditation, dance, pool, etc. *Amenity activities vary according to retreat locations.



Our Healing pathways are intentional, holistic, opulent, and spacious environments surrounded by nature where older and younger Black Indigenous Wombmen worldwide gather in small groups from all backgrounds to witness each other in supported acts of care, rest, and abundance with other *Black Indigenous Wombmen Space Holders. Healing Pathways sustain the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors and lived experiences, which is necessary to inform future cohorts of Black Indigenous Wombmen elders and leaders for the future well-being of all Black/Brown Communities.

Retreat Activities Include

• Womb and sexual health education/identity/healing

● Ubuntu Ancestral circles: identifying and interrupting intergenerational holding patterns of internalized white supremacy.

● Abundance and Prosperity Circles 

● Somatic Liberation Dance

● Morning Meditation Circles

• Biodynamics

● Drumming Circles

● Spacious & Clean Accommodations 

● Limpiás/ Prayers

● Wellness /Spa Amenities/Massages

• Outdoor excursions: We provide opportunities to support reclamation in outdoors/ outdoor activities considered white-dominated once acquired through colonization/ slavery/racial terror/capitalism. 

● Diet: We hire exceptional, experienced, Thrive-informed BIPOC chefs to create holistic diets of culturally specific wholesome meals, snacks, and beverages- including local &vegan options. 

● Transportation: We pick up and shuttle participants to retreat sites from a central location in Portland, Maine.

● Kits & Gifts: Participants receive ancestor kits, journals, gift bags, and additional swag.

Past Retreats

First retreat  2019 The Dakota bear Lodge, Sweden Maine

Retreat #1 Dakota Bear Lodge Sweden Me 2019 .jpg

Second Retreat 2022 Bethel, Maine


Education and Training Excursions

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